This page shows pictures of pictures of Hagen Renaker Elephants. This page includes, DWs, Specialty and mini Elephants.
Hagen Renaker DW Rajah Elephant With Mahout
Monrovia and 2 San Dimas versions pictured Both San Dimas Rajahs may be test colors I have a San Dimas Rajah and his color is different than either of these Both of these San Dimas Rajahs came from a factory employee The Mahout is rare particularly the purple San Dimas version A glossy San Marcos Rajah was also produced I would love to own one or even see his picture if anyone has one
Hagen Renaker DW Rajah Elephant Test Colors
The black Rajah was part of the Maureen Love Estate The white Rajah was purchased from a retired factory employee
Hagen Renaker DW Pasha Baby Elephant
The top row has a Monrovia, a rare San Dimas color, and a San Marcos Pasha The bottom row has 3 San Marcos examples
Hagen Renaker DW Elephant Mama & Baby Elephants
Hagen Renaker DW Elephant Baby w/ Crossed Legs
Probably never released
Hagen Renaker DW Elephants
Freeman McFarlin design Gray is a Hagen Renaker only color White and Gold were produced by Hagen Renaker and Freeman McFalin